Clark Financial Planning Services

This Goals and Values Inventory is a powerful exercise that can help you both identify and prioritize your goals. You are asked to rate 26 common goals from 1 = not important to 5 = highest importance. You may also add and rate goals that do not appear on the list. Once you rate your goals, you will compare your most highly rated goals and decide which are most important. At the end of the exercise, you will receive a list of your goals in rank order.

Here are some tips to help you get the most from this exercise:

  1. Allow yourself ample time to complete the exercise; we recommend at least 20 minutes. You cannot save your answers and return to the exercise later.
  2. The more goals you rate either 4 or 5, the longer it will take to complete the exercise. You might want to limit to no more than six the number of goals you rate as 4 or 5.
  3. When you have completed the exercise, print a copy for your records. You can also email a copy of the results to yourself. If you'd like to learn more about how to structure your finances to achieve your goals, please contact Clark Financial Planning Services, by emailing, , , to schedule an appointment.
1.Maintain present standard of living
2.Improve present standard of living
3.Improve future standard of living
4.Ability to live off investments by age (Age Required)
5.Total retirement at age (Age Required)
6.Education for children: pre-school through high school
7.Education for children: college or other post-secondary training
8.Education for self or spouse
9.Support of adult children
10.Support of parents or parents-in-law
11.Support of surviving (dependent) spouse
12.Support of political or philanthropic causes
13.Distribute wealth to heirs
14.Change or modify career activities
15.Change or modify nature or scope of business enterprise
16.Transfer control of business enterprise to others
17.Pursue family or social activities
18.Pursue other personal activities or experiences
19.Save regularly
20.Peace of mind regarding financial condition
21.Protection against financial loss
22.Change of residence
23.New car
24.Vacation house or recreational item
25.Extraordinary travel
26.Children's weddings
27. (Optional)
28. (Optional)
29. (Optional)
30. (Optional)